Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mental Illness: Understanding Depression

Understanding Depression Cassie McFadden General Psychology Understanding Depression Many mental health disorders may affect one’s life to a point of not being able to function. However, one of the most common is depression which is a mental illness causing continuous lethargy, sadness, and even thoughts of suicide. Like many other health conditions, there are several possible symptoms and the disease is not exactly the same in any two people.According to the National Institute of Mental Health common symptoms include, but are not limited to sadness, anxiety, or a hollow feeling, feelings of guilt, irritability, lack of interest or participation in previous hobbies or sex, fatigue, lethargy, increased difficulty remembering or concentrating, insomnia or hypersomnia, eating too little or too much, persistent headaches or body aches. Depression can occur in anyone at any point in their life. â€Å"Most likely, depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, enviro nmental, and psychological factors.Depressive illnesses are disorders of the brain. Longstanding theories about depression suggest that important neurotransmitters—chemicals that brain cells use to communicate—are out of balance in depression. But it has been difficult to prove this. † (National Institute of Mental Health, 2012) Although depression is not prejudice and can occur in anyone, women are most commonly affected by the illness. â€Å"Biological, life cycle, hormonal, and psychosocial factors that women experience may be linked to women's higher depression rate.Researchers have shown that hormones directly affect the brain chemistry that controls emotions and mood. † (National Institute of Mental Health) In conclusion, depression is a very serious illness that affects many people every day. Especially for people suffering from chronic or severe depression, it may seem like there is not any hope. However, depression can be managed with proper medic ations which will promote a happier and healthier life. References * National Institute of Mental Health (2012). Depression Retrieved from http://www. nimh. nih. gov/health/publications/depression/what-causes-depression. shtml

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Goals of Community Corrections Essay

Identify the goals of Community Corrections and determine if the goals are being met. What would be your team’s recommendation to improve Community Corrections? Today, 3 out of every 4 persons under correctional supervision in the United States are on some form of community-based custody-mostly probation or parole-although community corrections also includes halfway houses, residential centers, work furlough, and all other programs for managing the offender in the community. It is a legal status, an alternative to incarceration, a service-delivery mechanism, and an organizational entity. As an organizational entity, it has objectives and performs a wide range of activities-some totally unrelated to offender supervision and/or treatment. Having been founded more than 150 years ago, community corrections still has an unclear primary mission, with confusion about what activities contribute to that mission and how best to assess their performance. It’s amazing what people will believe and live by simply because â€Å"that’s the way it has always been.† Nobody ever thought to question the standard from which it began. Now, 150 years later, the problem is so magnificent that the mere thought of tackling such an issue exhaust the mind, therefore no one tries. The goals of community corrections that we have come across while researching include punishment, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. I have found that this is a general outlook on the goals of community corrections, each corrections institute has their own set of goals for their particular community corrections department. Sharon found that the goals of the Florida department of corrections are: 1) Protect the public, staff and inmates 2) Develop staff committed to professionalism and fiscal responsibility 3) Ensure victims and stakeholders are treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect in making and executing administrative and operational decisions 4) Prepare offenders for re-entry and release into society are to see that offenders obey the law and to help them identify and address their problems. Shelly found that in Louisiana a few goals and priorities of public safety and community corrections are: public safety, of course hence the name, staff and inmate safety, provisions for service, opportunity for change, and the opportunity to make amends. The Louisiana corrections community also held a heart walk in Baton Rouge in March of last year hoping to raise money to help the communities that have been harmed by crimes. This allowed those who have changed or with a desire to change to be able to show their willingness and involvement. They raised over $37,000. I am not sure if the goals of community corrections are being made but it seems as if they are making a darn good effort. Community Corrections is basically the governments formula of keeping track of individuals who are insane or have somehow wronged society. The goal of The Community Corrections claim to be protecting the public, staff, and inmates. What exactly are Community Corrections protecting us from? It seems to me that Community Corrections are more avid in protecting profits, not people. The concept was developed 150 years ago in order to keep track of, punish, or incarcerate (remove) individuals who pose a problem to society. Vanessa personally thinks it is a huge joke and its funny how everyone accepts it. Community Correction’s say, â€Å"A community must take these necessary measures in order to stay viable.† What measures are being taken? That depends on where the individual lives. Even then it is rare to see a community excel or benefit from any of these â€Å"measures† taken. If the government really wanted to correct problems in the community they would start by developing a standard from which to start. This would begin with identifying actual problems and researching the best method to deal with the problems. Only then could they create a unified community corrections facility that actually does what it’s name claims. To improve community corrections :The National Institute of Corrections should 1) take a pro active leadership role in influencing national policies, practices, and operations by developing programs that address areas of emerging interest and concern to corrections executives, practitioners, and public policy makers; 2) Respond to client agencies and staff with relevant and useful assistance to improve their corrections systems. We need to improve offender job training and placement efforts. â€Å"Public safety† and â€Å"restorative justice† are big ideas now making claims on the future of community corrections. Despite their uncertain futures, restorative justice and public safety are already  reshaping community corrections around the country. In order for public safety to serve as a strategic objective for community corrections, answers are needed to some basic questions: What is public safety? Where is it found? What would probation and parole agencies have to do for there to be more of it? In popular discourse, public safety is equated with more arrests, more prisoners, longer sentences, and lower rates of recidivism. These are conventional output measures of the criminal justice  system, but they are poor proxies for public safety. Public safety defined: As an objective for community corrections, public safety is best conceived as  the condition of a place, at times when people in that place are justified in feeling free of threat to their persons and property.[2] As a condition of place and time, public safety is threatened whenever a vulnerable person or unguarded property is in the same place as a potential offender at a time when

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of the Human Rights Act, 1998

Analysis of the Human Rights Act, 1998 Human Rights Law ‘Despite the Human Rights Act 1998, the courts have failed appropriately to limit the scope for the exercise of breach of the peace powers.’ The Human Rights Act 1998 received royal assent on November 9, 1998 and came into force on October 2, 2000. The objective of said Act was to harmonize the domestic law of the United Kingdom with the European Convention on Human Rights. To reaffirm the commitment of the UK to human rights and civil liberties, it is now possible under the said Act to file a claim for violation of the ECHR without going to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Says Weinstein: This ability to transcend national law, and to compel revision of such law to comport with rights guaranteed by the European Convention in a broad range of areas, most often within the exclusive purview of national and local courts, is of historic note. Generally, nation states have been the final arbiters of most issues affecting their citizenry and within their borders. By treaty, the signatory nations of Europe have granted the ECHR binding authority to decide cases affecting their citizenry and other persons subject to their authority. In instances where state law is found inconsistent with an ECHR judgment, the nation at issue is obliged to amend its national law to comport with the ECHR decision. These cases illustrate the concept of what is increasingly being referred to as an evolving European supranational identity. The ECHR grants jurisdiction to any individual, non-governmental organization, or group claiming be a victim of a violation of the European Convention by a ECHR signatory nation, and to bring cases before it, as does, in applicable cases, the European Court of Justice (the â€Å"ECJ†), the court of the European Union, based in Luxembourg. Equally important, it prohibits any public body from behaving in a manner that is incompatible with any of the rights guaranteed under the ECHR. The Human Rights Act has gone a long way in limiting arbitrary actions from public bodies, in particular, police officers. It cannot be denied, however, that the laws on â€Å"breach of the peace† grant have historically been so vast in scope that in some occasions, human rights violations arise. The definition of â€Å"breach of the peace† (also known as breach of the Queen’s peace) has been discussed in the Court of Appeal decision of Howell, where it was stated as follows: We are emboldened to say that there is a breach of the peace whenever harm is actually done or is likely to be done to a person or in his presence his property or a person is in fear of being so harmed through an assault, an affray, a riot, unlawful assembly or other disturbance. It used to be that the prospect of violence alone would not be enough to be considered a â€Å"breach of the peace†, as in the comment of Farqhuarson LJ that â€Å"The act which puts someone in fear of violence taking place entitles a police officer†¦to detain the actor but it is not a breach of the peace, for the violence has not yet occurred.† There has been scant support for this view, such that in the present time, â€Å"breach of the peace† also embraces â€Å"behaviour likely to cause a violent reaction†, even if such behaviour is not of itself violent.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

GDP and Corruption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

GDP and Corruption - Essay Example The main objective of this paper is to use econometrics methods to show the relationship between GDP and corruption, results show that the higher the level of corruption in a country the lower the level of GDP, correlation coefficients show that as the level of corruption in a country increases GDP declines, results show that African countries have higher mean corruption levels than the other non African countries. A study by Mauro (1995) showed that corruption had an effect on the level of investment in a country, in his study he found out that corruption discouraged foreign direct investment. Ackerman (1998) states that if India was to reduce its corruption levels then it would attract foreign direct investment at the same level as the attraction attained through tax incentives, Another study by Tanzi and Davoodi (1997) showed that corruption tends to increase the level of government spending, these funds are not used for their intended purpose and therefore spending on education and health is reduced resulting to poor economic growth and human capital development. Bardhan (1997) study shows that corruption also affects income distribution and this increases poverty levels in a country, Krueger (1994) states that corruption affects the election of leaders and the decisions made by these leaders may adversely affect the economy. The level of GDP is a key indicator of the welfare and economic development in an economy, the level of GDP in a country is determined by a number of factors which include the interest rates, inflation, investment, infrastructure, human capital, capital stock, production, exports and consumption, however less emphasis has been put on the importance of eliminating corruption practices as a way to influence economic growth. In this paper we focus on the effect of corruption on the GDP level of a country, we use data on corruption index from transparency international and GDP level from the world bank, we use linear regression models to estimate the relationship between these variables and show that corruption affects the level of GDP, limitations include unavailability of data for countries and the violation of linear regression assumptions on auto regression given that we will be considering cross sectional data. The following is a description of the data and econometric modelling. Data: Data used was retrieved from transparency international website that indicate corruption index for the year 2007 for countries all over the world, data on GDP in US dollars for the year 2007 was retrieved from the world bank website. A sample of 152 countries was considered in the study and this was due to the availability of data. The following chart represents the countries considered in this study where countries are categorized into African and non African countries: Only 3 % of the countries are African while approximately 97% were non African countries, analysis on the GDP levels showed that the mean GDP levels for non African countries was relatively higher compared to the mean GDP for African countries, the following chart summarizes the results: Results also show that the mean corruption index value for African countries was relatively lower than the mean corrupti

Security Analysis and Redesign of a Network Coursework

Security Analysis and Redesign of a Network - Coursework Example The coursework "Security Analysis and Redesign of a Network" presents the review of the current network infrastructure of the XYZ company. The paper proposes, both theoretically and diagrammatically/graphically, a redesign of this network, offers recommendations for how or better procedures that the organization can harden both its Apache, and it IIS web servers. Further, the report presents a security policy write-up, which will guide the organization with regards to spyware, antivirus, and adware policies. Both active and passive reconnaissance was carried out on A2Z’s computers and networks, in an attempt to gather more information and find whether any open ports existed. This also enabled determine the vulnerabilities of the system so as to ensure that any existing vulnerabilities are taken care of before they are exploited by attackers. This was done using one of the most powerful network scanning tools, Nmap. Several interesting ports, including XYZDomainController at, XYZInviteDesign at, XYZ Acct at, XYZprinting at, XYZwebsrv at, and XYZChat at, were scanned. It is clear from the Nmap port scan results that XYZ’ s network server configuration is now is, is somewhat vulnerable. For instance, port 445 is set to open, which is very risky and is a vulnerability. This port, port 445, an MB port over IP is constantly being scanned by hackers, and if left open, they can easily gain remote access to the network.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reflective Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reflective Journal - Assignment Example I got inspired by the elaboration on this charter that was a binding instrument, and its purpose was to encourage co-operation centred on solidarity and reciprocity for good use of the Niger River hydrographical area. An inter alia was established to assist states in technical matters (Elmualim, Valle and Kwawu, 2012) Correct waste disposal methods is a concept I gained interest and must be initiated to avoid disposal of solid waste in water bodies, which can affect the marine flora and fauna. Sewerages must be constructed to ensure waste is directed to the right path and avoid contamination of water bodies (Wu, McKay and Hemphill, 2010). The right to prevent intrusion to an economic exclusive zone. This is an area beyond and the area adjoining to a territorial sea governed by a state. I am interested in the fact that due to this exploration of the sea resources and its utilization, conservation and management of flora and fauna, organic and inorganic resources in and around the area is rightfully owned by the state. The evidence required is whether the vessel has entered beyond the 200 nautical miles from the baseline is rather confusing to me. (Elmualim, Valle and Kwawu, 2012) Â  Construction worker and the corporation will never mind the consequences so long as they earn their cash. I was inspired by the fact that the Forests are water catchment areas, and forests do help in purifying the atmosphere. As REDD+ Programme spokesperson, a feasibility study should be done to identify a most efficient area then preparation is done the finally full implementation. Ensuring that measures to correct biodiversity are put in place before forest clearance is an interesting idea. Â  Forests are very important; it is a home to animals, plants and is the water catchment area thus must be protected. (Elmualim, Valle and Kwawu, 2012) The forest is important, they act as catchment areas for fresh water, and they reduce emission of carbon

Friday, July 26, 2019

Comparing Income Statements From Different Industries Essay

Comparing Income Statements From Different Industries - Essay Example erent companies include different factors in their income statements, but on a general node there is basic information and format expressing company’s financial status for a particular business year. There are three major sections of an income statement, one describing incomes, second is cost of goods (expenses) and third projecting depreciations, taxes and interests. Here is a view of income statements taken from four different companies which operate in four different sectors: For the fiscal year 2010-2011, Ford Motors Company progressed to quite a great extent from the year 2009-2010. The income statement projected that the company had 17% gross profit margin out of the total revenue at the end of the business year 2011. Even having intensive liabilities, the company generated more profits with respect to the previous fiscal year (Ford Motor Company, 2012). With 514 stores operating in five different States, Winn-Dixie at the end of year 2010-2011 projected gross profit margin $28.9 million which was unexpectedly less than the fiscal year 2010. The gross profit margin of the company for 2011 was 27 % of the total revenue slightly less than the year 2010, which showed natural sales decrease within entire market segment. For the fiscal year 2010-2011, Johnson and Johnson a leading pharmaceutical company showed potential revenue and profit margins. The company projected net profit margins of 15% with gross profits of 64 % of the total revenue in its annual income statement 2011 (Bloomberg, 2012). According to company’s annual report 2011, Lenovo group expresses the gross profit margin 11% of total revenue. It is one of the leading companies in the technology sector which generates conventional profits in the technology market segment (Buffett & Clark, 2008). By comparing the income statements of all four companies, it can be said that companies differ to a great extent in respect of product and services they offer. An automobile company is totally

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Overcoat - Nikolai Gogol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Overcoat - Nikolai Gogol - Essay Example The portrayal of the protagonist supports the idea that environmental oppression impacts the individual, which may result in the formation of deviant behavioral patterns. Early in the work, the protagonist’s appearance is describes as ordinary and rather sallow, stating â€Å"There is nothing we can do about [the protagonist appearance], it is all the fault of the St. Petersburg climate† (Gogol 234). While this statement at surface value seems to refer to the weather, it closely parallels the bureaucratic climate that, much like the weather, is a large and dismal force that the protagonist feels powerless to alter. Even the name of the character, Akaky Akakyevich, closely resembles the Russian term ‘okakat’ meaning to smear with excrement, or the term ‘caca’, which is of Greek origin but refers to excrement in many modern languages (Paul 1). A parallel is drawn between the oppression of the bureaucratic system, wherein a designated rank oppress es societal classes, and the oppression of the individual by his personal designation, in this case the character’s given name. This is supported by in the text by statements such as â€Å"with us, rank is something that must be stated before anything else†, highlighting the oppressive qualities of personal designations, such as rank (Gogol 234). Oppression on many levels shapes the traits of the protagonist, suggesting that environmental influences are responsible for future deviant behavior. The protagonist at first negotiates a reality filled with oppression with acceptance; however, when his expectations are made higher by the prospect of a new overcoat, symbolic of a rise in the societal hierarchy, the character develops deviant personality traits, ultimately leading to his death and the wrath of his angry spirit. The author describes the Very Important Person as a character that

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Constructionist Model in Apple Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Constructionist Model in Apple Inc - Essay Example Individuals are driven by some forces which make them confident to buy a product after gaining full knowledge about it or the drives can often be negative which does not lead to the purchase of the product. The famous multinationals like Apple Inc. gives a lot of effort on their PR activities so that they are successful in communicating their message regarding the new products to the mass. The public relation activities by the companies involve communication of the useful ideas and the message regarding the changes and modification of the products. It also includes the launch of new products. The communication process is executed through various technologies which are mediated by the Public Medias some of which are also face to face communications. Background Brief about Apple Inc Apple Inc. which is formerly known as the Apple Computer, Inc. is a multinational corporation that is headquartered in California. It develops designs and sells, computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers. The best product line of the company is the Mac line of computers, iPhone Smartphone, iPod music player and iPad tablet computers. Its consumer software comprises the iOS and OS X operating systems, Safari web browser, iWork creativity iTunes media browser and iLife and productivity suites. The company was inaugurated on April 1, 1976 and was incorporated as Apple Computer, Inc. on January 3, 197. Apple is the second largest information technology company in the world after the famous Samsung Electronics and the third largest mobile phone makers after the established companies like Nokia and Samsung. Apple Inc. belongs to the computer hardware and software industry which have experienced incessant changes for the past five years. The changes are due to the advancement in technology and invention of new computer designs. The introduction of the new tablet computers has created huge demand for the retailers. In spite of the demand for the new technologies, sales ha ve faced erosion because of price deflation. Methodology and findings In the Part A-Portfolio-Media Analysis, the study has used multiple tasks in order to understand dimensions of advertising promotion of iPad of Apple Inc such as Placement of the advertisement, Audience Reach, Length of the advertisement, Tone and pertinent stakeholders for the advertisement. Is the study used mentioned task purely in Ad Hoc basis? Not really, because certain well defined public relation theories have guided the researcher to select the mentioned tasks. The researcher has taken help of traditional public relation theories in order to highlight role of each task within the communication cycle. Therefore, it can be said that In the Part A-Portfolio-Media Analysis, the study covered application of PR theories while key objective of this section is to make direct reference to academic text that are being the theoretical concept behind the tasks mentioned in Part A. In such backdrop, next sections of t he study will dig deep into the theoretical context of public relation and communication cycle. Public Relation (PR) Public relations (PR) can be defined as the practice of administration of the wide spread information between the organization and an individual or public. It may comprise of individual or organization which gains exposure by communicating with the audience using their interest and this activity does not require direct payment.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Question .. Marine scince Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 words

Question .. Marine scince - Essay Example 2 Figure 2: The eight bearings of successful yacht management 3 Figure 3: Captain’s Standing Orders, Ship’s Standing Orders, and the Daily Orders - the three important administrative tools for a large motor yacht. 5 Figure 4: The five-fold objectives for the master of the vessel 12 Figure 5: The four-fold objectives of a crisis management team 14 Figure 6: The five conditions for entitlement of GA 23 Figure 7: Three important objectives from the cargo owner's point of view 28 Figure 8: Methodology for computation of loss of income 36 Photo credit Cover page URL: Section 1: Maintaining Yacht Operational Standards Case brief As the Ship/Yacht Manager of EITHER a 25,000 tonne merchant ship OR a 2,900 tonne motor yacht review the mechanisms by which you would ensure that your operational standards are maintained on board your vessel. Your answer should include but not be limited to:   ship/yacht ma nagement;   organisational structure;   consideration of routine and emergency operations.   1.1 Yacht management, organisation

Common Core State Standards Essay Example for Free

Common Core State Standards Essay Is a girl in your neighborhood being taught the same things as a boy in another neighborhood? Is a graduating senior in Baton Rouge as prepared to get a job as a graduating senior in Minneapolis? The answer to these questions is â€Å"no,† and rightfully so. All children are unique. A student with autism or dyslexia should not be taught the same way as students who have no learning disabilities. Indiana, which adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), is now eliminating those standards because, the state asserts, Common Core â€Å"takes control of educational content and standards away from parents, taxpayers, local school districts, and states† (Volsky). The Indiana legislators want to write new standards, which are governed locally, not at the federal level. NEED A TRANSITION? Forty-five American states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and the Department of Defense Education Activity have adopted the CCSS (Common Core State Standards Initiative). These standards were designed by a group of teachers, school chiefs, administrators, and other experts. The CCSS are suggested targets in English Language Arts and Mathematics that set the skills a student should possess in order to proceed to the next level of education. There is no clear divide on the standards between Republicans and Democrats; both have expressed their concerns. But, the controversy reached its peak when the Obama administration slowly started to support the CCSS (Bidwell). Proponents of the CCSS argue that the standards ensure that all students will have the same set of skills, the standards will make sure all students are college ready, and that the standards are a new state-led effort instead of a federal effort. I believe that all states should abolish the CCSS because children with disabilities should not be expected to learn the same way as advanced students, the CCSS takes away from the tradition and individuality of independent/parochial schools, and the problem in education is not standards but poverty. The CCSS have not made success easy for students with learning disabilities. According to the CCSS, students with disabilities â€Å"must be challenged to excel within the general curriculum† (Herbert 10). In addition to students with disabilities, students without disabilities learn different things in different ways, mature at different rates, and have different talents and goals. There is no reason for states to have standards that require students to learn the same things at the same time, and learn them the same way (McClusky). The CCSS â€Å"moves all kids largely in lock-step, processing them like soulless widgets† (McClusky). In a recent discussion, Drexel University and University of Pennsylvania special education student teachers expressed their frustrations in trying to teach special-ed students within the confines of the CCSS (Beals 2). The CCSS are supposed to boost national achievement levels, but by restricting these students to subject matter beyond thei r cognitive abilities, the standards are ultimately lowering student achievements. The CCSS also take away from the tradition and individuality of independent/parochial schools. Parochial schools are private schools that are affiliated with some religious organization and whose curriculum includes religion along with all major subjects. As a graduate of Catholic schools, I believe it is important that the traditions and religion classes be kept alive in these schools. The standards were approved without consideration of how they would affect Catholic schools (Strauss 4). The Catholic education is geared at preparing students for a life of spirit, truth, and faith in God, all of which are never mentioned in the CCSS. Adopting the standards into Catholic schools will essentially diminish them of their tradition to help children not only obtain an education but to develop their faith. As an education major, I have observed many Catholic schools. On the walls, on the boards, and in the hallways, there are examples of prayer and religion everywhere. Taking this away wou ld be taking away the identity of these students. This will ultimately lead to the some students being ashamed of their religion. Another issue that arises is the involvement of the federal government. Independent and parochial schools are independent in their finances and governance and in most cases rely on tuition for funding. The CCSS are state-led efforts but, because these  schools are free from state and federal government financing and guidance, they will not be able to afford the implementation of the CCSS. One of the reasons people believe CCSS are needed is because of the idea that America’s school system has low national test scores. This is not because the current standards are not working; the real issue is poverty. The reason for low-test scores is that about 23% of American students live in poverty. Finland, which has the highest-ranking test scores, has only 5% of students living in poverty (Krashen 37). Poverty stricken children in Queens, NY that have a lack of health care, food insecurity, and lack of library access will not succeed as well as a student going to a school in the Upper East Side of New York City. For example, studies show that food-insecure children are more likely to have slow language development, and problems in social behavior and emotional control (Krashen 38). This results in missed schools days, causing students to repeat grades, which leads to low achievement scores. Instead of spending money on implementing the standards, schools need to spend t he funds on sufficient food programs, improved health care (including more school nurses), and more money going towards libraries in lower-income schools. Some in favor of the CCSS believe that the standards will ensure that all students, no matter what race, gender, or state they are in, will have the same set of skills when graduating to each new grade level (Gardner and Powell 50). Although this is a great notion in theory, the idea that every single student in America will know the exact same things is a major overgeneralization. Even with the CCSS, children with disabilities are physically and mentally incapable of learning the same things at the same rate as a student in advanced or gifted programs. The CCSS have also increased the rigor of the curriculum students are learning. Therefore, students who are already struggling to not fall behind will struggle even further causing the students, parents, and teachers to suffer. In addition to underachieving students, overachieving students will also be negatively affected by the standards. Children who learn faster than others, or who are naturally smarter than their peers will be for ced to learn at the same pace as students who are not as gifted. This will result in students being bored  and losing all interest in school. If every single child in America had the same cognitive abilities, the CCSS would be the answer; but they are not. Other proponents believe that the CCSS will make sure all students graduating from high school are college ready. The problem with this is, America has too many over educated students; the professional work force does not have enough jobs for American students when they graduate. If all students are college ready, no one will want to work at grocery stores, fast food restaurants, mechanic shops, etc. If every student gets a degree and starts work in the professional world, the economy will eventually fail. There will be no farmers to produce groceries; there will be no waitresses; there will be no janitors or cleaning services. In order for this country’s economy to produce money, there needs to be people who do not earn college degrees. One major reason people are supporting the CCSS is because they are state-led instead of being dictated by the federal government. The federal government is largely imposing the CCSS. The National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers, both of which do not represent states, created the standards. The hasty adoption by most states was federal action. To compete for a part of the $4.35 billion Race to the Top (ADD DEFINITION) reward, a federal government led education effort, states had to adopt the CCSS (McCluskey). When the CCSS came about, the Obama administration only gave states two options: adopt the CCSS or make sure a state university certified a student as college ready. Also, the U.S. Department of Education funded two programs that created the national tests that coincide with the CCSS (McCluskey). With all of this federal involvement, the CCSS is no longer a state-led effort. It is a â€Å"one-size-fits-all† program that ignores the nee ds of the individual states. The reason to oppose the CCSS is not because of the content, some of which is great, the reason is that the CCSS lacks most qualities needed to be considered authoritative, or to even be considered standards. Sadly, the CCSS is generating in America’s education system severe and lasting damage that would take decades to reverse. The CCSS is bad for states, teachers,  students, parents, and anyone associated with the education process. Now, ask yourself these questions again. Is a girl in your neighborhood being taught the same things as a boy in another neighborhood? Is a graduating senior in Baton Rouge as prepared to get a job as a graduating senior in Minneapolis? Still, the answer is â€Å"no†. Do you believe me now that this is a good answer? Works Cited Bidwell, Allie. The History Of Common Core State Standards. U.S. News Digital Weekly 6.9 (2014): 7. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. Common Core State Standards Initiative., 2012. Web. 3 Feb. 2014. Herbert, Marion. Common Cores Implications For Special Ed Students. District Administration 47.2 (2011): 10.Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. Krashen, Stephen. THE COMMON CORE. (Cover Story). Knowledge Quest 42.3 (2014): 36-45. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. McCluskey, Neal. No Child Is Standard. Reading Today 31.2 (2013): 30. Academic SearchComplete. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. Strauss, Valerie. â€Å"Catholic scholars blast Common Core in letter to U.S. bishops.† The Washington Post, 2 Nov. 2013. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.

Monday, July 22, 2019

International Student Essay Example for Free

International Student Essay Nowadays , Education play an important role in our life . However , there are some countries which have poor education , poor teaching and learning strategies . Actually , Those students will go to higher education institutions country . It calls ‘’ International Students ‘’ . More importantly , United Kingdom is the most famous about education . The term ‘’ international students ‘’ is taken here to mean those students who have been educated in a national education system outside the UK and who on the whole are likely to be non-native speakers of English . There is a real story in the UK ‘’ Nicos Story’’ http://www.economicsnetwork. ac. uk/showcase/bamford_international Nicos was a postgraduate student at the Business School. He was diligent and conscientious and achieved good marks on his MA programme. He was expected to gain an overall distinction grade. He had excellent English language skills. An excerpt from Nicos email: I really wanted to finish my dissertation by September so that I would not have to go back to London again, but I broke down, I suddenly felt that I could not do it. I was going crazy and could not write a word anymore. I would stand in front of the computer for hours just writing a paragraph. So on Sunday I left and came to Greece. Today I went to the airport for the flight back, so that I could see you in the morning but as soon as I had to leave my parents and go to the boarding gate, I freezed and panicked. I could not picture myself alone again in the same places for even an hour. The last few days I have started feeling a human being again. I can talk with people and they are people who care about me, I go out with friends for coffee and I want to cry. The first morning I woke up, I started crying because my mother had washed my bag, someone had done something for me. Common diffiuculties for International students. According to this story , there are clearly challenges for international students studying at higher education institutions in the UK . As University City London adds that major problems for International students They go on to say that culture shock . ‘’ As well as having to cope with a new institution and educational environment, international students are having to adjust to a different national culture with often unfamiliar social customs and conventions. They may become very homesick. Where English is not the first language, having to converse with strangers all the time in a foreign language is a strain. Some women students come from cultures where they have had a sheltered life and spent little time on their own or in the company of males outside their family. They may be vulnerable in certain social situations or upset by conventions that they do not understand ‘’. Secondly , ‘’ Students for whom English is a second language may struggle with their courses, International students are often under considerable pressure to succeed academically and their expectations of themselves may be unrealistic. The transition to a different educational system and new approaches to study is often more challenging than to home students. For example, students from abroad are sometimes unaccustomed to active learning situations, such as participating in discussion and working on a team project. They may have had a much more formal relationship with their teachers and thus be less inclined than home students to seek help from their personal tutors ‘’ Thirdly, ‘’ The number of students experiencing financial difficulties has increased significantly in recent years and is likely to continue doing so. Some students are more or less permanently hard up; others create short-term difficulties for themselves by managing their money badly . It is expensive to come to university ‘’. More exactly , According to J. K Bamford ( 2008 ) ,’’ The first of the these challenges concerns English language ability, or rather consideration of the fact that many international students are non-native speakers of English. This has two aspects to it. Firstly, there is a minimum language requirement for entry for all overseas students and secondly, even if students have more than met this entry requirement they may not be familiar with technical terminology for a specialist subject area. For some students who have only just met the criterion for language, studying in English particularly at Masters level can prove onerous and stressful. In this case study this aspect of language ability , that is those students who had just met the language entry requirement, covered half of the students and the levels of independent study required at a very early stage of the course caused a lot of stress. Secondly, there are those that are confident in their language ability and who feel that language support classes do not meet their needs as the classes are too generic and what they are seeking is further explanation of specialised terminology, little time is spent in addressing the more specialist support required by these students. As a consequence, there is frustration expressed by these students as lecturers can mistake their lack of knowledge regarding technical or even political or cultural terminology as the students having difficulties with language, which is not the case. In addition the students have different levels of English, which can hinder the educational experience of the whole group. One student commented in a focus group that there are some people who come from different backgrounds I dont know enough about how people are taught in China but we have different levels of English and different backgrounds some people just receive and not give. Not speaking up in class can also make it difficult for tutors to gain a clear picture of the levels of English language ability and the understanding of the students. ’’ The second issue is that of the social and cultural adjustments of the students. Volet and Ang (1998) comment that tertiary institutions have a social responsibility to design learning  environments which foster students developments on intercultural adaptability (1998:21) While students did not feel that a lack of social and cultural knowledge of the UK had affected their ability to study, there was a feeling that lecturers should incorporate the knowledge of the students native cultures into their class discussion as this could benefit everyone. Class contribution can also be a traumatic experience but this can be facilitated by tutors who make the students feel more comfortable in discussing subjects with other students that they dont know. The importance of class interaction for overseas students is reinforced by Jackson (2003) who comments on the necessity for building a considerable rapport with the group. This rapport is seen as one of the most effective learning and teaching techniques for overseas students. As De Vita (2001) observes, different discourse styles create tensions that affect a students performance. Groupwork may also be an issue and the cultural diversity of groups requires students to use intercultural skills which require training. Understanding the International Student Experience. Moreover , Catherine Montgomery ( 2010 )has written a clear, small study of international students at one UK university, how they network and how they change. Its value lies in the depth of insight into student thinking. She has not drawn her conclusions from a one-off survey, which is the main research tool used to study international students. In surveys of students from non-English-speaking backgrounds, the prior assumptions of the researcher define the issues and pre-set the potential for discovery, the voices of the students are muted and anything different or unexpected is screened out in advance. In contrast, after a tour through part of the literature, Montgomery uses participant observation of the daily lives of seven networked students from China, India, Nepal, Indonesia, Italy and the Netherlands over a period of six months. The resulting picture challenges conventional thinking about international students. International students are often typecast as slow learners with poor English, limited class-participation skills, inability to think critically and a dodgy approach to referencing. In short, they are in learning deficit if not social deficit. It is no wonder they are studying abroad, goes the thinking, because their home systems are of a poor standard. They badly need our help. Montgomery turns all of this on its head. Her students are mature, curious and quick to respond and to learn. They are high achievers and a couple are truly exceptional within their milieu. After an initial period of academic adjustment, they learn to intervene and they power past the locals. They are conspicuously better motivated, focused and more aware of the benefits of higher education. These students are studying in an English-speaking country not because its culture is intrinsically superior but because English is the global language of business, professions and knowledge. They do not need to abandon the educational backgrounds and cultural identities that they brought to the UK, but they are eager to layer new learning and new identities on top. The effects of being a foreign student ‘’ Usually becoming a foreign student in order to study in another city can change your life in many aspects. Living in a city far away from home can bring many consequences and effects which almost always change a student’s form of life. When I became a foreign student, many things changed or had to change. You do not live with your family, so usually you have to learn how to live in harmony with others, how to do things by yourself, how to move to other places, etc. Being a foreign makes you learn a lot of things, but at the beginning it can be somewhat difficult, as it happened to me. That is why the purpose of this paper is to discuss the three main effects of being a foreign student. The main effect and the one that affects you most is the fact that you do not live with your parents and in your house, which means that you will not enjoy its commodities. It was so good when your mom cooked for you, and when the house maid used to make your bed. Your dad took you to school, and when classes finished, you returned to your room and made yourself completely comfortable. But becoming a foreign student implies that you will live in a dormitory or that you will rent an apartment . Usually you have to take care of dirty dishes, messy rooms, and cooking. This means you have to learn many new things, like how to cook several dishes. In a few words, you have to learn how to be independent. Another effect is that you have to find your way around the city, so you have to know the main parts of the city. If you have a car, it may be easier to explore the city. You can just get lost and see where each street takes you, and then find a way back home. But if you don’t have a car, you need to learn how to get around by walking, in buses, or with taxis. For this you may find out about bus routes or find out how much costs to use taxis, and in this way you can plan the time it will take you to get from your house to school, for example. This will force you to plan your time better, and maybe you will have less available time along the day. This may decrease the time you have to make homework or to hang out with your friends, for example. But over time, you learn how to plan your activities in a better way. A foreign student may also find himself feeling somewhat lonely, since arriving in a new city means you don’t know anyone. You may be lucky if another friend from your city comes with, but usually you are alone. It is important to start meeting people and making friends. In this way it will be much easier to get used to being a foreign student. You will have new people with who to hang with, with whom to go to parties. Besides you won’t have to be quiet all the time in classes like when you don’t know someone. Sometimes friends can also help you in a lot of situations, like when you have problems about running out of money, when you need to go to your house quickly but you don’t have a car, or when you need to get something that is not easily found. But most of all, with friends you can have a great time and learn a lot of things. Leaving your house and going to another city to study is an experience in your life that cannot be compared to any other experience in your life. You learn how to be independent, and you get to meet tons of people. It may be somewhat difficult to live without your parents and in another city, but this makes you learn how to live your life better and how to appreciate what you have, like your parents and your belongings. Besides, you get to appreciate the things you achieve during your life because you learn that your goals are not achieved easily, but that they cost a lot of work and effort. In conclusion, being a foreign student is great! ‘’

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Philosophical Influences: Declaration Of Independence

Philosophical Influences: Declaration Of Independence The Declaration of Independences importance matured greatly throughout history, especially the second sentence, an extensive proclamation of human rights: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. This single sentence of proclaiming human rights has been noted as one of the best-known sentences in the English language and the most potent and consequential words in American history. This passage alone has been utilized in many aspects to support the rights of various groups, as well as symbolizing for people a just and honorable standard in which the United States should endeavor. Continuing this important part of the Declaration, That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. This section of the Declaration that includes these specific words written by Thomas Jefferson were commemorated by the accomplishment of the American Revolution. However, these words were not exactly written of all originality on July 4, 1776. They were in fact not even fashioned out of Jeffersons own novelty or creativeness. It is unquestionably factual that the draft of the Declaration written by Jefferson was intuitive principally from his own perceptive ideas pertaining to government and its foundations, however, he did not assert to be the resource of insight for the ideas and thoughts he wrote on paper. Following the Revolution, and to which Jefferson admitted to, John Adams found fault in the idea that Jefferson had not written anything new for the Declaration. It was Thomas Jeffersons pen that wrote the Declaration of Independence, but who were its authors? The original Declaration was actually signed by fifty delegates to the Continental Congress, however, the document had greater influence past these signers. It is even wondered whether or not the Declaration of Independence contains original ideas. Jefferson describes it instead to be a statement of sentiments widely shared by supporters of the American Revolution. In 1825 Jefferson stated: Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the America mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion. TO HENRY LEE Thomas Jefferson The Works, vol. 12 (Correspondence and Papers 1816-1826; 1905). The Online Library of Liberty. May 8, 1825. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The Declaration cannot be classified as having a single author, but more of having various influences. Thomas Jefferson, one of the principal authors of the Declaration of Independence was the third President of the United States and he was one of the most influential Founding Fathers for his encouragement of the principles of republicanism in the United States. He foresaw America as the power behind a great Empire of Liberty that would support republicanism and oppose the imperialism of the British Empire. Jefferson was attained distinction for numerous things including a horticulturist, political leader, architect, archaeologist, paleontologist, inventor, and founder of the University of Virginia. He was a very honored man due to all of his accomplishments. When John F. Kennedy welcomed 49 Nobel Prize winners to the White House in 1962 he said, I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent and of human knowledge that has ever been gathered together at the White House-with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Thomas Jefferson favored the individual and their individual rights over the government and big businesses. His vision for American virtue included an agricultural nation of yeoman farmers minding their own affairs. His agrarianism was contrasting to the vision of Alexander Hamiltion, who envisioned a nation of commerce and manufacturing, which Jefferson believed offered too many temptations for corruption. Jeffersons profound confidence in the individuality, uniqueness, and the potential of America made him the father of American exceptionalism. He was particularly convinced that an under-populated America could avoid what he thought to be the horrors of class-divided, industrialized Europe. Jefferson strongly believed the idea in which each individual has certain inalienable rights. This meaning, these rights exist with or without government, and man cannot create, take, or give these rights away. Jefferson is most noteworthy for enlightening the right of liberty. Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add within the limits of the law, because law is often but the tyrants will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Consequently, for Jefferson, although government cannot create a right to liberty, it can indeed violate it. The limit of an individuals rightful liberty is not what law says it is but is simply a matter of stopping short of prohibiting other individuals from having the same liberty. Jefferson believed a proper government to be one that not only prohibits individuals in society from infringing on the liberty of other individuals, but also restrains itself from diminishing individual liberty. His commitment to equality was articulated in his successful efforts to abolish primogeniture in Virginia, the rule by which the first born son inherited all the land. Jefferson believed that individuals have an inna te sense of morality that prescribes right from wrong when dealing with other individuals, that whether they choose to restrain themselves or not, they have an innate sense of natural rights of others. He even believed that moral sense to be reliable enough that an anarchist society could function well, provided that it was reasonably small. In several instances, he conveyed admiration for the tribal, communal way of living of Native Americans. In a letter to Colonel Carrington he said: I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government, enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. For this reason, he did support government for the American stretch provided that it exists by consent of the governed. Immediate sources of Influence for the Declaration of Independence include Jeffersons own draft of the preamble of the Constitution of Virginia and George Masons draft of the Virginia Declaration of Rights. Both ideas and phrases from both of these documents appear in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson also looked at the English Declaration of Rights as a model of how to end the reign of an unjust king. Through this statement of natural rights Jefferson meant to release the idea that men are free by nature, are equal beings and should be free to pursue their dreams in life. This statement, however, was in disagreement with a majority of the thinking and reasoning of this time period, in that it was a ruler of a country, either king or an emperor, who passed down any rights given to the people of his kingdom. Thomas Jefferson disputed that it was nature that gave man rights, not people in power. Jefferson was exceptionally knowing of previous documents holding comparable ideas when he was writing the Declaration, including the treatise by Samuel Adams noted as Rights of the Colonists. Most of the political leaders during the Revolution had similar thoughts and ideas pertaining to the self-evident truths of the Declaration. Furthermore, the ideas articulated in the Declaration were common among many of the colonists of the period. The Declaration was vigilantly articulated for the reason of expressing the vision and thoughts of the colonists in broad-spectrum, as well for gaining their loyalty for the upcoming struggle in which they were to experience. It may be questioned how such claims were regarded by colonists in general and what the beginning of these thoughts were. In what previous documents to the Declaration were these beliefs presented as self-evident truths? In 1772, four preceding the signing of the Declaration, Samuel Adams penned a short essay known as Rights of the Colonists as Men. His words included the following: Among the natural rights of the Colonists are these: First, a right to life; Secondly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. These are evident branches of, rather than deductions from, the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature. All men have a right to remain in a state of nature as long as they please; and in case of intolerable oppression, civil or religious, to leave the society they belong to, and enter into another. When men enter into society, it is by voluntary consent.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Every natural right not expressly given up, or, from the nature of a social compact, necessarily ceded, remains. All positive and civil laws should conform, as far as possible, to the law of natural reason and equity. As neither reason requires nor religion permits the contrary, every man living in or out of a state of civil society has a right peaceably and quietly to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Samuel Adams wrote The Rights of the Colonists when he was at the age of 50, as an element of assemblies in Massachusetts in 1772, subsequent to the Governor having liquefied the colonys Colonial Assembly. Three hundred townspeople congregated and voted to employ a board of communication, as well as having this committee outline a proclamation of the colonists rights. The accountability for arranging the initial draft was allocated to Samuel Adams. Passages from the end result, as previously quoted, were in quintessence consumed in a document entitled the Declaration of Rights, written by the Continental Congress in 1774 and as a final point in the Declaration of Independence in 1776. One of the manipulates on Adams idea is candidly affirmed by his personal thoughts in the Rights of the Colonists pertaining to religious toleration: Insomuch that Mr. Locke has asserted and proved, beyond the possibility of contradiction on any solid ground, that such toleration ought to be extended to all whose doctrines are not subversive of society. The connection involving Adams and John Locke is established multiple times in Adams writings. In 1771, in a journal in the Boston Gazette, he commenced his prime focus with the expressions Mr. Locke, in his treatise on government. English political theorist John Locke is often cited as a primary influence on the Declaration. Many of the phrases evident in the Declaration follow closely to certain sentences in Lockes Second Treatise on Government. Lockes classical liberalism greatly influenced republicanism. Hence, to the slightest, the political attitude and beliefs of John Locke was one of the fundamentals of the Declaration of Inde pendence, and examination gives evidence for the idea that the formation of inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness owe a great deal to John Lockes Second Treatise of Government that came into print in 1690. The responsibility to Locke is exposed by the subsequent passage from his Second Treatise. The title page articulates of the second treatise, The latter is an essay concerning the true original extent and end of civil government. The commencing lines concern the Biblical Adam and to his private dominion and parental jurisdiction, prearranged to him by God, which undoubtedly inscribes the production as founded eventually on Scripture, Gods Holy and Written Word. In sections 4, 6, and 13, Locke expresses his thoughts that: (A)ll men are naturally ina state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of nature, without asking leave, or depending upon the will of any other man. A state also of equality A state of liberty, yet it is not a state of licence. The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions: for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign master, sent into the world by his order, and about his business; they are his property, whose workmanship they are, made to last during his, not one anothers pleasure Every onemay not, unless it be to do justice on an offender, take away, or impair the life, or what tends to the preservation of the life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another. In prà ©cis regarding these passages that came from Lockes treatise, there is a evidently identifiable formation of the rights of life, liberty, and property that subsists. Locke overtly preserves the idea that these human rights were fundamental and elemental rights of man, certain by God the Creator. These rights are undeniable due to the fact that they are recognized as an element of the God-given law of nature, and as a result are apparent in life itself. In his recurrent employment of the phrase law of nature, Locke positioned himself in a prosperous and time-privileged custom looking through history to the Bible itself. It is undoubtedly that Locke had the idea in his head a vision that centered around the bible, of the nature of man as created by God. One of the itemized rights evident in the Declaration, pursuit of happiness, is not initiated by Locke, who made use of the word happiness merely three times in the Second Treatise, in fairly limited frameworks. Locke focused as an alternative on the rights of property. The right to pursue happiness, which is thought to be much extensive in possibility, is distinguishable through the Federalist Papers written John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, influenced by the assumed name Publius. Ultimately, the comprehensiveness of happiness as a conception may be evident in the copious life guaranteed to man by Jesus Christ. Any one discussion pertaining to the suitable function of government may progress and advance through a glance back to the thoughts wherein our nation was established. In the Declaration of Independence, conceivably the most succinct articulation of those exact thoughts and principles may be discovered. The Declaration is perceptible in the idea that the Founders trusted in the beliefs that individual liberty, identified by the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, protected by a government constructed for that intention, gaining its justifiable power from the consent of the governed. The arrangement of the words in the Declaration is very significant. By vigilantly examining the Declaration, one may come across the idea that there is no reference of government to the point that the moral order of the world in which the Founders foresaw is presented. Their attitudes embark on a state of nature, in which no government has so far been fashioned by man. It is not until f ollowing the moral order is instituted that the political order -which is derived from this moral order-conversed. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. This very quote from the Declaration proves very important in both its order and meaning. We hold these truths to be Self-evident. In this section of the passage, as the first line, the authors allow the people to understand that reason offers the foundation of the proposal to come next. They declare the truths that are subsequent are self-evident, which provides for the idea that they are deductible by reason. This idea designates that the Founders are functioning contained by theoretical and idealistic tradition of natural rights. This perspective gives that there is a superior law of right and wrong that may be utilized to develop moral lawsà ¢Ã¢â €š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ finish talking about each line of quote and its meaning? Or talk about the drafts and popular culture? The Declaration of Independence provides for an abundance of interpretation and sources by scholarly inquiry. This formal document declared the independence of the United States of America from Great Britain by giving the colonial grievances of King George III, declaring natural rights, one of those being the right of revolution. The Declaration was originally disregarded after the American Revolution, having provided its primary intention in declaring independence. This sentence in which most Americans live by was significantly influenced by Abraham Lincoln, who thought of the Declaration as being the underpinning of his political philosophy, and encouraged the proposal that the Declaration of Independence be a proclamation of standards through which the United States Constitution should be construed. inventing America jeffersons declaration of independence garry wills the declaration of independence a study in the history of political ideas greatness to spare Effects on Happiness: A Reflection Effects on Happiness: A Reflection Happiness: Subjective Well-Being Well-being involves physical, psychological, social, economic, and environment. Subjective well-being meaning covers a wider range of concepts than just happiness (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). However, the subjective well-being also provide advice on measuring people’s experience and evaluations of particular domains of life such as satisfaction with the financial status, health status and other meaningfulness in life (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Besides that, subjective well-being includes three elements. First is life evaluation, reflective assessment on a person’s life (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Second is affect. It means a person’s feelings or emotional states (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Third element is Eudaimonia (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). It is a sense of meaning and purpose in life, or good psychological functioning. On the other hand, subjective well-being involved bottom-up theory and top -down theory. Bottom-up theory are assesses the quality of our marriage or friendship, satisfying the job, income and thereby create a summary statement of our overall ‘satisfaction’ (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Besides that, bottom-up theory perspective focus on changing the environment and situation such as, obtaining a better job, safer neighborhood and other external things to increase the happiness (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Furthermore, top-down theory describe as measured by looking at personality traits, attitudes, and cognitions (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Top-down theory perspective focus on increase the happiness should change people’s attitudes, belief, personality traits and other inner things (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Lastly, previous research also presented evidence that both top-down and bottom-up evaluations are important, but utilized indifferent situations and times in life (Compton Hoffman, 2012a).. Leisure Leisure refers to how people spend their spare time, what people to do relax, the activities in which people engage to have fun, and how people express the interest (Compton Hoffman, 2012b). In the leisure and well-being describe as positive relationship between our satisfaction with leisure and well-being (Compton Hoffman, 2012b). It is fairly clear that leisure helps people feel better about their lives (Compton Hoffman, 2012b). Therefore, everyone should find ways to amuse themselves such as sport, drawing and other activities to amuse themselves (Compton Hoffman, 2012b). In my leisure time, I prefer going to swimming, play badminton and other sports with friends. This is because I am feel relax, fun and satisfaction while I am doing sport activities. At the same time, sport activity also can bring out a lot of benefit such as improve mental health, exercise decreases disease risk, keeping fit and other benefit to me. Hence, I am preferred doing sport activity with friends in my leisure time. Besides that, I can also maintain a good relationship with friends through the playing badminton or swimming. Moreover, doing sport activities also can build up a social support to me. When I feel stressful, I can play with friends. It can help me feel relax or reduce the stressful after sport. Then, when I feel helpless, I can share my problem with friends, it can help me a lot. Lastly, I prefer going to swimming, play badminton and other sports with friends because after doing exercise, I feel satisfaction and I can focus on my academic. It can helping in my daily life and also to overcome my life challenge. Love and well-being In positive psychology, Love is one of significant ways that people pursue well-being (Compton Hoffman, 2012c). Needs for love and intimacy may be biologically innate (Compton Hoffman, 2012c). Moreover, relationship satisfaction is associated with a couple’s similarity in attitudes and values, positive personality traits, the type of attributions made to explain a partner’s behavior and healthy styles of communication (Compton Hoffman, 2012c). Besides that, relationship stability is associated with factors such as friendship, commitment, conflict management and the effects of external stressors (Compton Hoffman, 2012c). It can help people in their daily life and overcome the life challenges. When I finished my secondary school studies, I have no any goal or planning about my future. I also do not know what next steps are. Therefore, my parents’ advice is continuing studies since I do not any planning about my future. About of this, I was conflict with my parents because I do not planning continuing studies. Besides that, I also think I am not smart enough to continuing the studies. Hence, I feel some worry and angry. Moreover, this happen also hurt relationship between my parents and me. My parents and I keep some conflict and quarrel about my future. Finally, I understand what my parents’ think, what my parents’ feel. I also know what I want to do in my future. Thus, I agree and accept my parents’ advice and decide continuing studies. Positive Health Positive health is excellence in three measures. Firstly, biological markers include any measures of physiological functioning that can impact health or well-being (Compton Hoffman, 2012d). Second, subjective experiences include any measure of subjective well-being such as optimism and positive emotionally (Compton Hoffman, 2012d). Third, functional measures include assessment of how well daily activities are accomplished and behavioral signs such as occasional disability (Compton Hoffman, 2012d). The goal of positive health is to describe adaptation to challenges, toward a better quality of life (Compton Hoffman, 2012d). This process is not just coping and adaptation but positive growth. When I was young, my parents busy for working. Hence, my grandparents need take care of me. My grandparents send me go to school, bring me go out to friends’ house, shopping and other. Besides that, my grandfather teaches me a lot of things, playing with me and other. I feel happy about all of this. When my secondary school, my grandmother is pass away. My family very upset. Even My grandfather do not want go out anymore. He cannot to accept this happen. My family very worries about it. Positive health can help me overcome this problem. This is because positive psychology describe as positive growth. About this happen, I feel upset, but I understand I need to growth and accompany my grandfather to accept this happen even I feel upset too. Since I was young, my grandfather always accompany me to do a lot of things, take care of me, teaches me a lot of things. In this moment, my grandfather is helpless. Therefore, my family and I need accompany and bring positive emotion to him. So that, my grandfather can has a better life in future. Creativity and Genius Genius began to take on a meaning of special talent or ability beyond the normal range (Compton Hoffman, 2012e). Genius also describe a person who of extraordinary creativity and inventiveness (Compton Hoffman, 2012e). Besides that, those labeled as geniuses exhibited the same qualities associated with people who achieve excellence in something, person who will extremely motivation, willing to work long and hard, and absorbed in a search for deeper knowledge about their craft (Compton Hoffman, 2012e). Well-being across the Lifespan In the Well-being across the Lifespan, researchers have used three basic models to understand life changes (Compton Hoffman, 2012f). Firstly, stage or growth models postulate recognizable stages that need to addressed, roughly at different ages (Compton Hoffman, 2012f). Second, lifespan models observe the personality development as a continuous process of adjustment to challenges (Compton Hoffman, 2012f). Third, life-course models also tend to look at phase of life but emphasize the social-role demands at each phase (Compton Hoffman, 2012f). When I was young, my grandparents take care of me. This is because my parents need go out for working, but my parents will have accompanied me in every night. Hence, I feel happy in my childhood. In my primary school life, I like the sport activity. Hence, I become one of the participants which represent the school to competition with different primary school. My primary life is busy but I feel enjoy. In secondary school, my grandmother was pass away when my form 2. My family very upset about it especially my grandfather. My grandfather cannot to accept this happen and refuse to go out. However I’m feel sad, but I think I need to accompany my grandfather. This is because my grandfather very cares and teaches me a lot of things during my childhood. This happen also makes me growing and more understand/treasure my family members. In my university life, it is a busy life. Every semester, I need to complete a lot of test, assignment. Sometimes I’m feel very stressful because these all of the academic things. Luckily, I have some friends can play badminton with me. Besides that, I also enjoy swimming with my housemates during every weekend. It can help reduce my stressful from academic. Optimal Well-Being Optimal well-being describe as stated the personal growth requires choices about what particular type of person you would like to become (Compton Hoffman, 2012g). Besides that, growth never occurs in vacuum, so people must decide what kinds of person want to be and which personality traits express your unique potential(Compton Hoffman, 2012g). For example, people who often love, compassionate to other people. That people can express their own unique potential and become caring people (Compton Hoffman, 2012g). On the other hand, optimal well-being can also describe is to think about the types of people you admire, respect and which people inspire you to be a better person (Compton Hoffman, 2012g). For example, a person who watches a movie about the helping people, it may motivate that people to act on behalf of others. In my secondary school, my sibling was study in different university. My parents also pay a lot of attention to them. Besides that, I feel admire and a bit envy about it. This is because I feel my parents’ concern and caring toward them only. I feel lonely and cannot get the caring and concern from my parents. At the same time, I also can understand my sibling is always at the outside because studies. Hence, my parents will show more concern to them. In optimal well-being, I can understand what I want to be in the future. In future, I want be university students, so it can help explore my knowledge. Moreover, When I feel admire and envy my sibling, I want be university students likes my sibling. It is called own inner hero. This is because my siblings already motivate me to be university students too. Hence, optimal well-being help me to deal my challenges. Religion, Spirituality, and well-being In positive psychology, religious provides social support, healthy lifestyles and other positive thing to people (Compton Hoffman, 2012h). Besides that, people who are more religious in their behavior show better emotional well-being and actively religious people have reported markedly greater happiness and somewhat greater life satisfaction than their irreligious counterparts (Compton Hoffman, 2012h). Particularly relevant to positive psychology are studies that have found that religious or spiritual practice can increase positive emotional states such as joy, hope and other (Compton Hoffman, 2012h). Therefore, greater religiousness is significantly related to better mental health and higher subjective well-being (Compton Hoffman, 2012h). My religious is Buddhism. Religious is one of part in my life. Buddhism teaches me a lot of thing. For example, when I have some negative thinking such as want cheating in the exam, I also will think about my religion. Buddhism always mention make bad thing, you will get retribution from God. Hence, I will feel guilt and fear of retribution from God, so I will give up those bad attitudes or negative thinking. Lastly, Buddhism also teaches me need filial, love and concern to parents. In my college life, I went to Kuala Lumpur for my studies. Hence, I must go back the hometown to accompany and concern my parents during the semester break. Besides that, I also called my parents when I’m free. However, I cannot always accompany my parents, but I still show my concern, filial to my parents. Positive Institution In Positive Institution, social well-being was comprises five dimensions. Firstly, social acceptance describe as the degree to which people generally hold positive attitudes toward others (Compton Hoffman, 2012i). Second, social actualization describe as the degree to which people believe that society has the capacity to develop into a better place (Compton Hoffman, 2012i). Third, social contribution describe as how much people believe their daily activities contributes to society and how much those activities are valued by their community (Compton Hoffman, 2012a). Fourth, social coherence describes as the degree to which society is understandable, predictable and logical (Compton Hoffman, 2012i). Lastly dimension is social integration. It refers how much a person feels a part of his community as well as how much support and commonality one feels toward others (Compton Hoffman, 2012i). I went to Kuala Lumpur for continue my studies. In K.L., I was living without my family. My family cannot accompany me. I feel unsecure but I know I need to adapt and independent. Luckily, I meet some good housemate. My housemate gave me a lot of happy and concern. Hence, this hostel becomes my ‘second house’. I feel happy and enjoy in here. On the other hand, housemates and I create a swimming gang. We were going to swimming during weekend. I feel enjoy about it because swimming can create a good quality life to me. Moreover, this swimming gang also can help to maintain a good relationship between each other. When I feel stressful or helpless, my housemates also support and give me a lot of positive energy.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Fathers Rights in Child Custody Issues Essay -- essays research p

The Father's Rights in Child Custody Issues   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the United States today more than one-half of all marriages end in divorce. The purpose of this paper is to examine the reason why women have typically received custody of the children far more often than the fathers. In order to better understand child custody one must first examine how fathers have often times been left out of the picture, and conversely why mothers have had such hard times raising children on their own. This paper will first examine the perspective of a father who has lost custody of his children. A Fathers Perspective   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to many the custody of a child should be determined with the best interest of the child in mind. However, it is not easy for a judge to make such an important decision in such a short amount of time with limited information. Smith (2004) stated that, the simple fact of being a mother does not indicate a willingness or capacity to render a quality of care different than that which a father can provide. Some might argue that what Reynolds (2004) calls deadbeat dads, or in other words fathers who refuse to pay their child support, are often times confused with Turnips, who are ex-spouses who can not afford to pay child support. One example of a turnip is a father who is in prison; he is obviously not making money while he is on the inside. Now an example of a deadbeat dad is when the father is enjoying all the finer things in life and he cannot reach far enough into his...

Does Abortion Have Severe Psychological Effects? Essays -- essays rese

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by destruction of a fertilized egg, embryo or fetus before birth, prior to the time when the fetus attains viability, or capacity for life outside the uterus (Encyclopedia, 1995, p.43). Currently almost twenty-five percent of pregnancies in the United States are aborted. About one forth of people who abort are teenagers, fifty-seven percent are younger than 25, and almost eighty percent are unmarried. During the first trimester is when most of the abortions take place. Only about ten percent are performed later in the pregnancy (Slife, 1998, p.329). Abortions go back as far as Ancient Greece where it was used as a type of population control. Then in the Roman Times men had total control over the procedure. â€Å"Man could give law-enforced command that his wife have an abortion, or he could punish or divorce his wife for having one without his consent† (Encyclopedia, 1995, p.43).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today many people ask the question, does abortion have severe psychological effects? People that are pro-life claim that most women who abort their unborn child suffer from many negative effects, such as guilty feelings, anxiety, depression, loss, anger and even suicide. In one case a woman had an abortion assuming that it would take away all of the stress of being pregnant and thinking about the consequences of having a child. Afterwards she said, â€Å"I was unprepared for the maze of emotions that hit me after I had the procedure. Instead of feeling relieved, I was awash in anxiety and confusion† (Lawlor, 2002, par.3). The disorder of having negative effects after an abortion is called Post Abortion Syndrome or PAS. In order to tell if a woman has PAS she has to be completely honest with herself and admit the feelings that she has. The symptoms that most women have are strong feelings of guilt and confusion. Some cases are much more extreme, for example, there was a seventeen year old who developed lethargy, malaise, and vomiting. Doctors where unable to reach a conclusion about her condition until the anniversary of her abortion when she experienced overt psychosis. Mental examinations also revealed signs of hallucinations, as well as psychotic thought processes. Research has shown that in most cases women will go on and say they are fine about the whole thing, and many years later be ... ...then you will not even think twice about having one. I don’t agree with abortions at a certain extent. If I got pregnant I am not sure what I would do because I wouldn’t want to grow up that fast, and I would want to finish college and get a good job that way I know for sure I could support my child like I would want to, but if I did have a good job and me and my boyfriend had a steady relationship, then abortion wouldn’t even cross my mind. 4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Speckhand and Rue’s proposal that post abortion syndrome occurs in some women following abortion? I think they did a very good job of describing what post abortion is and what affects it has on women, but I think they could have done a better job of what causes women to have post abortion like Adler did in his argument. References Encyclopedia Americana. (1995). Definition of Abortion. (pp.43). Danbury, CT: Groiler inc. Lawlor, Jessica. (2002). Long Term Physiological and Psychological Effects of Abortion on Women. Retrieved March 21, 2001 from Slife, B., Ed. (1998). Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Psychological Issues, 10th ed. (pp.329-350). Gui

Friday, July 19, 2019

A House Divided: Athens, Sparta, and the Inevitable Fall of Greece :: Essays Papers

A House Divided: Athens, Sparta, and the Inevitable Fall of Greece The stunning Greek defeat of the Persians, the specter of which lurks behind the events of the Peloponnesian Wars, was for Herodotus proof of the superiority of Hellenic form of government and way of life, and Herodotus ends his history at this pinnacle of Greek history. Thucydides then accepts the task of chronicling Greece’s unraveling from a position as the dominant power of the Mediterranean, and a center of cultural, technological, and political development to the final result of the Peloponnesian Wars—a fractured, demoralized, and dependent Greece that lies wide open to foreign conquest. This result is, for Thucydides, apparent from the beginning of the conflict. Greece can only dominate when the balance of power between Athens and Sparta is maintained, and the destruction of either is tantamount to the destruction of the whole. An accurate understanding of the national characters of Athens and Sparta makes it clear which of the two will ultimately be the victor o f a long, arduous military struggle, but the same understanding of national character makes it equally apparent that the one which can dominate militarily cannot lead Greece. The speeches made at the First Lacedaemonian Congress emphasize not only the character of the two nations in conflict, but more broadly, the inevitability of Hellenic demise as a result of this conflict. Thucydides sets down the development of the relationship between the power of Athens and Sparta in the Archeology. Athens emerges from the Persian Wars as the undisputed commercial superpower in Greece. Where Sparta is located in the fertile Peloponnesus, and is thus able to sustain itself on agriculture alone, making trade unnecessary and allowing it to maintain its own laws and customs for â€Å"more than four hundred years† (I.18.1), Athens’ infertile land forces it to turn to olive oil for revenue, and it consequently develops a flourishing trade economy even before the Darius set his sights on Greece. The Persian invasion itself makes a sea power out of Athens, allowing it to establish a Mediterranean empire, and export its culture and government to the rest of Greece (I.18.2, I.6.3). This serves to unify the scattered Ionian and Doric cities under the umbrella of the Hellenes culturally where the Spartan campaign to remove tyrants unifies it politically by giving Greeks relative freedom and subordinating it uniformly to the law, and the joint coalition against the Persians ultimately secured it militarily (I. A House Divided: Athens, Sparta, and the Inevitable Fall of Greece :: Essays Papers A House Divided: Athens, Sparta, and the Inevitable Fall of Greece The stunning Greek defeat of the Persians, the specter of which lurks behind the events of the Peloponnesian Wars, was for Herodotus proof of the superiority of Hellenic form of government and way of life, and Herodotus ends his history at this pinnacle of Greek history. Thucydides then accepts the task of chronicling Greece’s unraveling from a position as the dominant power of the Mediterranean, and a center of cultural, technological, and political development to the final result of the Peloponnesian Wars—a fractured, demoralized, and dependent Greece that lies wide open to foreign conquest. This result is, for Thucydides, apparent from the beginning of the conflict. Greece can only dominate when the balance of power between Athens and Sparta is maintained, and the destruction of either is tantamount to the destruction of the whole. An accurate understanding of the national characters of Athens and Sparta makes it clear which of the two will ultimately be the victor o f a long, arduous military struggle, but the same understanding of national character makes it equally apparent that the one which can dominate militarily cannot lead Greece. The speeches made at the First Lacedaemonian Congress emphasize not only the character of the two nations in conflict, but more broadly, the inevitability of Hellenic demise as a result of this conflict. Thucydides sets down the development of the relationship between the power of Athens and Sparta in the Archeology. Athens emerges from the Persian Wars as the undisputed commercial superpower in Greece. Where Sparta is located in the fertile Peloponnesus, and is thus able to sustain itself on agriculture alone, making trade unnecessary and allowing it to maintain its own laws and customs for â€Å"more than four hundred years† (I.18.1), Athens’ infertile land forces it to turn to olive oil for revenue, and it consequently develops a flourishing trade economy even before the Darius set his sights on Greece. The Persian invasion itself makes a sea power out of Athens, allowing it to establish a Mediterranean empire, and export its culture and government to the rest of Greece (I.18.2, I.6.3). This serves to unify the scattered Ionian and Doric cities under the umbrella of the Hellenes culturally where the Spartan campaign to remove tyrants unifies it politically by giving Greeks relative freedom and subordinating it uniformly to the law, and the joint coalition against the Persians ultimately secured it militarily (I.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Microsoft’s Management Planning

Microsoft’s Management Planning Paper Within this paper Microsoft’s organization will be assessed with the planning functions of management. Along with a brief analysis of Microsoft’s history and the impact that legal issues, ethics and corporate social responsibility have on the planning functions of management. It will also analyze the factors that influence the Microsoft’s strategic, operational, and contingency planning. The Microsoft corporation is one of the most prevalent and powerful companies in the private computer business. Established in 1975 by Paul Allen and Bill Gates, Microsoft has the strongest presence in just about all areas of computer software, from applications to programming tools. Bill Gates wanted to create a healthy, productive work environment that maintained its employees values and commitment of excellence. In building a corporation based on the principles of diversity and respect of one another’s individuality, Bill wanted to bring in the right people to manage his corporation that had the same common goals to achieve the main goal of having a thriving corporation. Planning is important at all levels of management within Microsoft. However, its distinctiveness differs by level of management. Within Microsoft the key terms of planning management functions are vision, mission, objectives and goals. Planning requires a organized approach and an establishment of objectives. It starts with setting goals and objectives that can be achieved. Those objectives provide a underlying principle for a variety of tasks as well as designate course of efforts. Additionally those objectives also focus the attention of the managers on the final results wanted to be achieved. Objectives are the core to the planning process. Consequently, objectives should be stated in a obvious, accurate and unequivocal manner. Otherwise the tasks to be carried out are sure to be inadequate. The establishment of planning principles are the hypothesis about the profile of prospective events. They serve as a basis of planning. It assists in finding out the obstacles in the way of business throughout the course of the process. Planning principles may be or external or internal. Internal consist of asset investment plans, executive labor affairs, beliefs of management. While external includes political, social, and economical transformation. Internal principles are controllable while external are not controllable. To facilitate the management of Microsoft the company is run by a Board of Directors. This is a strategic form of planning that impacts the legal issues, ethics and corporate and social responsibility of the company. The committees include the Compensation Committee, which grants compensation for the CEO and supplementary employees of the corporation; the Governance and Nominating Committee, which takes care of an assortment of corporate matters as well as nomination of the board; the Finance Committee, which takes care of financial matters such as recommended unifications and acquirements; the Audit Committee, which takes care of accounting issues with the corporation together with reports and audits; and the Antitrust Compliance Committee, which puts forth efforts to put a stop to company practice from violating antitrust laws. Other aspects to the corporate configuration are there is a Executive Team, comprised of sixteen corporate officers around the world, which is in charge of a variety of duties including making sure staff understand Microsoft's traditions of business. That team handles the worldwide matters. With planning being the primary function of management and what the other functions of management develop from, a manager can only organize and staff after strategies to obtain goals are in place. Microsoft management is accountable for and are evaluated on how they meet the organizational goals through the functional and competent use of their resources. They are evaluated by their performance in getting the goals obtained proficiently and successfully through their staff. Management is also evaluated on their decision-making abilities to put to use the four functions of management to achieve the organizational goals. There are different stages of management and within all of them the first function of management, the planning function, is involved. The three factors that influence Microsoft’s strategic, operational, and contingency planning are external and internal factors and environment. Strategic planning is one particular style of planning. Strategies are the result of strategic planning. Microsoft’s strategies classify its business, the criterion for entering the business, and the fundamental events that Microsoft will pursue in carrying out its business. Strategies are key plans that assign huge amounts of the company’s capital to projected events, intended to attain the main goals and objectives. Operational Planning views future as something that needs to be implemented now. This style of planning focuses on setting interim objectives. Takes on a larger amount of comprehensive planning regarding the way in which activities are to be achieved Now a solid contingency plan has a massive value for the organization and it responds to major changes in the environment. The development of a all-inclusive contingency plan completes an external and internal environmental study, evaluates vision, mission and objectives, and establishes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Microsoft’s mission statement is clear as stated (2008) on the website, â€Å"As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence, constructive self-criticism, continual self-improvement, and mutual respect. We are committed to our customers and partners and have a passion for technology. We take on big challenges, and pride ourselves on seeing them through. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, shareholders, partners, and employees by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving for the highest quality. Microsoft promotes a diverse, supportive, and dynamic work environment. Within the frame work of the relationships build amongst each other they strive to be open, honest and respectful with everyone’s ideas and thoughts and input. Microsoft encourages a diverse workforce at all levels of the corporation. It is in that belief system that creating a work environment that enables people to fully appreciate t he diverse talents that others have to offer leads to improved modernization and creativeness within the products and services that the corporation provides to the public. Microsoft also encourages a cooperative and fruitful work environment by supporting the cultural and ethnic diversity of its workforce. They are dedicated to providing equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants that are qualified. Planning is a decision making function that involves innovative thinking and imagination that eventually leads to advance methods and function for growth and wealth of an organization. Microsoft’s planning begins with purpose of objectives. Microsoft has big corporations resources with a small corporations suppleness and heart. Every flourishing corporation has the ability to use its resources and power to make a positive impact on the world and its people and with the Microsoft corporation being one of the most prevalent and powerful companies in the private computer industry, it has proven without a shadow of a doubt that it has done just that. They draw attention to the purposes for which various activities are to be carried out. With this the planning help in focusing the attention of staff on the objectives or goals of the organization. Without planning Microsoft has no direction. It requires manager to prepare a outline of the course of action that are to be followed for all completion of objectives and consequently bringing organization and level-headedness into the company. The duty and principles to help people and realize the true potential is what sets the Microsoft corporation apart from the rest.